Photo 18 of 18 from Elyden

STAR map flat

The original STAR-MAP for Elyden's skies. every constellation has been detailed (to varying degrees) and a handful of major stars have also been detailed in my notes.

Photo Added
06-06-2012, 02:34 AM
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Photo Comments

  1. Chashio
    This is truly lovely. Have you thought up any sort of mythology for the constellations? Or drawn any 'full-figured' illustrations for them?
  2. vorropohaiah
    I will do, and they'll feature in the big stereographic map. With regards the myth, its very much a wip thing with little detail fleshed out
  3. -=Orion=-
    Wow! As an amatuer astronomer (although not a very good one) I love that someone has gone to the detail to make a star map! Keep up the good work. PS: These constellations probably look alot more like their names than the ones seen from Earth. Also, can't wait until your stereographic map is finished. It looks great so far.
  4. vorropohaiah
    thanks! I was worried some might not be too recognisable. One of them, Nephilia, is a direct copy of Orion (Its pretty much in the middle along the equator). The stereographic map will include the outlines of the constellations to better show what they are. Once it's done
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