Visitors From Above

A Spelljammer adventure from Dungeon Magazine #28
  1. Nauteloid
  2. Dwarven Citadel - I re-purposed the Dwarven Citadel from Space Lairs advenure Shattered Forge to add a little flavor to my advenure.
  3. Nauteloid Wall - This PNG is made to drop in the Cargo Deck of the Nautiloid to add the secret room in the adventure.
  4. Pebble - Top down view of the dwarven ship that can be used for either spelljammer or regular sailing.
  5. Pebble - The deck plan for the dwarven ship.
  6. Caverns - The caverns are my least favorite of the maps as I do not feel it adequately shows the elevation changes, but it gets the job done I...
  7. Neverwinter - This is the area map, I think this is my favorite map in this series.
Showing photos 1 to 7 of 7