Photo 5 of 7 from Carthasana Maps

The map of the Telzoan states will be the focus of remapping efforts. This is the most complete map I've done but its more than a little off in scale considerations - a particular pair of cities that are supposed to be 40 miles apart on this map are in actuality 2 miles apart once Telzoa and the surrounding continent is locked to the relative size I want. As a result the number and distribution of cities and towns will need to change. Also, this map predates the decision to move the setting from faux-medieval to a faux-ancient greece footing. As a result many of the strongly English place names need to be replaced. Done in CC2 (this was before CC3 was released - the map is 9 years old).

Photo Added
12-11-2008, 12:34 PM
Carthasana Maps
Added by
Michael Morris