(Link goes to full size image on dA.)

This is the current incarnation of Katarka, a slightly-larger-than-Earth rocky planet. (The white areas are the approximate sizes and location of continental crust, not necessarily land and coastlines.)

Right now, I'm still trying to work out the tectonics, but I've been staring myself blind on them and I can't think of any way to "fix" them without going all the way back to the drawing board (again). If the plate boundaries and movements generally make sense (which I think they mostly do--I'm not sure about A and B, they're supposed to be colliding but so are A and C (perhaps A is rifting?); I don't know if D and H are supposed to be rifting, colliding or sliding past each other, and I figure my oceanic plate is just... hanging out), I'm happy writing my unease off as stupid perfectionism and focus on continuing to build the world instead of obsessing over these damn plates.

Also, I'm a bit unsure about the amount of surface covered in land, and I haven't the faintest idea of where to start to calculate the respective surface areas. (I'm looking for a land/water distribution broadly similar to Earth's.)

Any help/criticism/ideas generously appreciated!

Hi, new here. *nervous wave*