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Thread: High Level Adventure Ideas

  1. #21
    Guild Artisan Aval Penworth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tilt View Post
    well... players never go where you want them... perhaps the boy whas to subtle... he should have conveyed fear more... (his own) ...
    now for putting your players in place *evil grin*
    1. Have the someone point out the players as the last persons to have seen the boy - and fine them HEAVILY to ease the mothers pain, and keep them out of jail.
    2. Passwall is always a problem (or sometimes the solution) - of course, sometimes magic works going in, but not out - an anti-teleport field perhaps - a devious trap on the axe - gargoyle guards that screams (both damaging and summoning). Or the axe it self could be a fake with a spell on it that either curses it, or just makes it like a beacon to the giant (low-jacked axe)
    Well some retribution is in order. You can't just go around zapping kids into inescapable caves, willy nilly.

    As for the axe... It has a special purpose, so it will try to make the characters take it back to the Dwarflands where it was forged. (They can try their hand at goblin tossing while they are there). The dwarves won't be happy paying for something they believe is rightfully theirs. What level would the king of the dwarves be (30th, 5oth? hmm) and his vizier (40th level cleric/ mystic?)

    With regard to attempting a really challenging mind flayer adventure, I like the "dimensional anchor" to stop all teleport/ passwall/ dimension walk etc. Maybe I make them a hybrid mindflayer-githyanki race that the players have never seen before.

    A series of increasingly bizarre events forces the characters to investigate the hive. Once inside...unrelenting mind-bending horrors are visited upon them...with no magical escape...ending in a massive an unpredictable battle with a group of pan-dimensional-utra-beings with eerie mind powers who can disperse elemental energy fields, who also fight with +25 two-handed rift swords! And if they can finally defeat the foes and get to the treasure... they can see it but can't touch it because it is partially out of phase. Ahahaha

    Hmm, maybe I've gone too far?
    Last edited by Aval Penworth; 06-17-2010 at 10:38 PM.
    Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go..

  2. #22


    Our 3.5 gaming group just retired (semi?) a 60 - 85th level combined multiclass characters, who've all died at least once, some on many occassions. We had a psioinicist who had two psionicist classes and 20th level fighter - overpowered brutes, all, my character included, so my recent experience has been much higher than your situation. However, three players exchange the DM's hat about every month, so we don't get DM burn-out. When we DM our own PC are away and gain no experience until we're a player once again. We've kind of developed a formula for building a challenge that I think can work at your lower "high level" game - and I know that Rolemaster is not as "hi powered" as D&D 3.e+.

    I develop a side adventure at my turn on the seat, some goal that will take up to 4 gaming sessions to achieve, you can do it in one or two. For ourlevels we are saving the multiverse from some epic horror a 667th level of the Abyss that will turn the balance of power to chaotic evil, or having to go to the Far Realms to stop and multiverse ending scenario on it's home plane - big epic stuff.

    Find some villian from the PCs past, bring him in on a short revenge mission against the PCs who thwarted him in the past, perhaps not ever directly involved but their past actions ending some diabolical plot of his own.

    Choose one exotic hazard. You mentioned magic dead fields, that's one. Sometimes we invent exotic fogs that severely limit vision, slows missle weapons, halves the damage of area based arcane attacks - fireball, etc. Temporal anamolies, Greater Darkness, floating bits of the Negative Material Plane in pockets in the darkness, unstable terrain or the area suffers many small earthquakes. Then play a normal balanced RPG fight

    Basically you need to remove some of the PCs high powered advantages, but differentiate it so not all are affected, all of the time - this let's all PCs shine above the others in small dramatic ways to enrich the story of our campaign over the course of the multi-session adventure. Every once in a while have a normal encoutner or fight unhindered by environmental conditions, so the PCs don't feel they're always getting screwed.

    That way you don't have to always go Nova on one trick, make a list of possible exotic environmental conditions that could somehow, affect vision, hearing, magic suppression, magic dead, divine only, arcane only, affects missle weapons, affects saving throws, etc. When building your plot make a logical reason for your chosen conditions that fits the storyline and the villain. Have it vary, have a no holds barred fight with a lieutenant of the your villain without impaired conditions, and end with a powerful exotic condition for the final battle against the bad guy - achieve the goal, take possession of the "artifact" to return to the temple it was stolen from... then we pass the DM's hat to the next person, and come back as a player, once again.

    Final note - I didn't read most of this thread and tried to leave whatever story you want to tell out of the description to apply to any high level adventure. Our campaign almost lasted 5 years, we've gained some experience at DMing high level parties, and this is generally how each DM in our group runs the games for effective, and fun high level games. The condition impairments made the job of the DM a bit easier and a touch more dastardly to making exciting month-long adventures (we play most every Saturday night, RL conditions bearing.)

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  3. #23
    Community Leader Facebook Connected tilt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gamerprinter View Post
    ...we play most every Saturday night, RL conditions bearing.
    sooooo envious... if I play more than once a month - its a good month
    regs tilt
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  4. #24
    Community Leader jfrazierjr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tilt View Post
    sooooo envious... if I play more than once a month - its a good month
    Same here... Most of the time, we miss 1-2 months each year.... Wish I could play more too
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  5. #25
    Guild Artisan Juggernaut1981's Avatar
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    What is this regular playgroup thing you mention? *looks around* After I left running a 20+ player monthly campaign (as an organiser and DM) I haven't really done any PnP D&D... been writing and making maps and working.

    The alternative 3.5-esque system I've been developing is now at around 180,000 words. Still not finished.
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  6. #26
    Guild Artisan Aval Penworth's Avatar
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    As I've mentioned elsewhere, I run this campaign every weekend. Usually a 12-14 hr session each week. It's been a little more difficult to get my preparation done lately as I have recently increased my work commitments, and have less time to dream up adventure ideas each week. So I appreciate all the good ideas you guys have thrown into the forum.

    On that note, does anyone have or know of a map that could be adapted to suit a "mazey" mind flayer lair? The players, after returning the Axe of Sundering to it's rightful owners, had a change of heart. And in a marathon battle royale, fought their way out of the Dwarf Kings halls defeated the private guard and made off with a schwag of golden goodies. So I need to get the hive adventure ready by next week.

    Cheers guys.

    Last edited by Aval Penworth; 06-20-2010 at 09:20 PM.
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  7. #27
    Guild Artisan Juggernaut1981's Avatar
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    The thing about genuine serious horror is that they shouldn't realise exactly what is going on until... "Oh holy crimeny... the humanity of it all" Lovecraftian horror takes a combination of being subtle like a sack of half-bricks to the nose with serious delaying tactics. Striking the balance between the two takes practice but I get the feeling you know your players well.

    I'd suggest that you let them have a weekend of "bizarre crapola". Random slayings, sheep spontaneously speaking, crows suddenly invading the market square, etc, etc, etc. Just give them giant wads of bizarre unexplainable stuff (in the middle of some other more mundane adventures), then make it stop (maybe for 2 weeks I'd suggest). Make them think it was "all some kind of strange DM dream..." and in week 4, start it up again. This time you let them encounter something that really makes them think they're about to witness the uprising of an Outer God (everyone turns into hentai beasts, living toilet seats and possibly gribbles...) and toss in some kind of maniac cult as the fall-guy for Wierd-ocalypse.

    The PCs will feel happy they have averted the summoning of the Outer God (insert consonants, commas and no vowels here) and saved the universe from a fate worse than my imagination.

    Then do it again, just not with a cult... or with the same cult images but the god has a new name (but colours, images of the god, required sacrifices, etc are all the same).

    Then wait.

    Then do more...

    After they've gotten to the point where they are paranoid, aggressive, frustrated and willing to take on the entire contents of the Abyss in one cosmic battle if it will only stop this insane what-ever-it-is... then let them find out about the Mind Flayers. Something simple like one of them spots a mindflayer teleporting out of the room of cultists, or manipulating people in the marketplace...

    Then make them have to work hard to find the Mindflayers, etc, etc, etc.

    I'm happy to draft out a skeleton of this if you want. But seriously, stick to your regularly scheduled "enter Cave door, kill it if it moves, loot it if it doesn't" program for a week...
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  8. #28
    Guild Artisan Aval Penworth's Avatar
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    Hmmm, sounds like fun. I will need to decide just how much power these entities have. Can they intercept divination spells and the like? You see if they cast divination spells to find out what is going on and get weird responses they will realize something very powerful is intervening. They will then go to the capital and seek the help of higher authorities. If the big cahuna refuses to or cannot help them they will think THIS IS REALLY BIG!! and it will be very difficult to get them to investigate further. If they job seems too weird and scary the players will not go.

    I suppose the the best way around that is to have a doppleganger posing as a Seer/ Astrologer near the players castle to to feed them false info...thus avoiding an escalation of divination.

    They already suspect a dimentional rift has opened up near the castle after hearing of an inside out horse, ducks swimming backwards and a fisherman who turned up with his head in his own belly. (they have dealt with 2 of these before)

    So yeah, maybe a break is a good idea.
    Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go..

  9. #29
    Guild Artisan Juggernaut1981's Avatar
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    Let them cast Divinations and get "non" responses. Remember a lot of those divination spells can be very subjective and if they do stuff like "contact higher authority from another plane"... feel free to give them some "I dunno, wasn't paying attention to that" sort of answers. I love divinations in games, but I also love making the PCs know that using Divinations is not a cheat-code to avoid thinking or destroy plots.

    I remember having a player talking with a rat and saying "So when did it happen?" and the rat saying "Happened. Sun goes down. Sun goes up. Sun goes down. Sun goes up. Sun goes down. Sun goes up. You talk to me." "So what did the thing look like?" "Looked like no-hair people, like you. Smell like big wet cat" (the rat saw a Rakhshasa kill someone in a Sewer 3 days earlier)
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  10. #30
    Guild Expert rdanhenry's Avatar
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    Then, if they don't get it, have more obvious clues -- planted by the Dwarves who have figured it out and figure a mind flayer/PC fight is a win for them either way. If your players take out the mind flayers, they'll come back to face an ambush by an angry Dwarven army. Never pick a fight with Dwarves unless you're ready to fight every Dwarf in the world.

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