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  1. #1
    Guild Artisan Aval Penworth's Avatar
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    Default High Level Adventure Ideas

    Hey, who wants help me with some high level adventure ideas?

    I've got a party of high level characters and I'm looking for some interesting scenarios to challenge them. The campaign has been running for years and I really like the characters and there is a great over-riding political intrigue story line that is playing out nicely. I've got the big picture sorted, but I want to inject a bit of action over the next few sessions.

    Between them they can overcome a lot of standard stuff with their magic and skills. eg bags of holding, fly spells, telekenesis , long eye, detect lie, charm, 96% pick lock, 96% disarm trap, teleport.

    The last dungeon had loads of anti-magic zones, and puzzles but how many times can you roll that out? (plus not every wants to work out puzzles)

    Two weeks ago, I had them tailed by a bunch of equally high level bounty hunters and the players bugged out with teleport .

    Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go..

  2. #2
    Community Leader Facebook Connected tilt's Avatar
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    other than non-teleporting zones? *lol*
    what level are we talking about - and what system? (not that ideas have to be system specific, but sometimes a spell or power or profession or... sparks an idea... )
    regs tilt
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  3. #3
    Guild Artisan Aval Penworth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tilt View Post
    other than non-teleporting zones? *lol*
    what level are we talking about - and what system? (not that ideas have to be system specific, but sometimes a spell or power or profession or... sparks an idea... )
    Rolemaster levels 16 to 29th. Plus a swag of magic items with spell effects.

    Magician , Ranger, Fighter, Rogue, Healer, Warrior Mage, Assassin.
    Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go..

  4. #4


    Have you seen the latest Kobold Quarterly email shot? There's a great article in there with a long list of ways to mess with your players' heads. Ah found it - look HERE

    The thing I like about a lot of these ideas is that there's nothing a high level player can immediately push against. I think this one is particularly good / spooky:

    The children start to sing a song about beheading whenever a certain PC enters the vicinity.

  5. #5
    Guild Artisan Aval Penworth's Avatar
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    @ Ravs, thanks for the link. Some good ideas. I had to laugh because at various points in the campaign we have had character infected with lycanthropy, vampirism, posessed by djinns, demons and spirits. So in some of those scenarios they would be like; "fair enough, that's a reasonable reaction"
    Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go..

  6. #6
    Guild Artisan Aval Penworth's Avatar
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    Hahaha *LMAO*. Nice ideas Tilt!

    And yeah, an ambush 20 Greater Orcs with comp bows would mess up most parties in RM.
    Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go..

  7. #7
    Community Leader Facebook Connected tilt's Avatar
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    I can send my 42nd level Fighter to kick their ass?
    hmmm challenges ... lets think... "ponders a lot" ... I'll better use my Baltazhar machine...

    1. Healer suddenly drops - it looks like somebody is transferring their damage to him without his accept and he is fading fast
    2. The Assasins past has come to haunt him - the child of a former victim has killed his/her way through the guild and found out who killed his/her father
    3. A mad druid has taken over a town, implanting biological virusses into people, now they have to find a way to remove the virus/entity without killing the host whilst battling the very nature around them.
    4. A ley line has suddenly changed course (or appeared if you don't use those (I didn't)) making all kind of magical dissasters destroy people and the city it self, is it the work of an evil wizard?
    5. A beautiful lady steps out of the sea... oh.. that was a commercial... *lol*... but lets go with that anyway... Her charms seduces and dominates people around her as she have them working on pulling down a huge damm. The whole valley below are at danger.
    6. (This requires some preperation) One of the players is exchanged by a dobbleganger, who works to get the whole group to do some evil bidding. The player himself is held captive since the dobbleganger requires him alive to pull on his memories...
    7. An evil demigod has found a way to pull energy from human slaves - the group has to find his lair and release the prisoners from their magical prison before he destroyes all.
    8. A bard is spreading a not so positive song about the characters, turns out he is hired by a competiting mercenary group trying to get an important job from the local noble
    9. A magic item sucks in a player (or two) inside it - now the players on the outside has to work with the players inside to get them back before the evil in the item devoures them
    10. All of the above

    And finally some famous last words: "Come on, they are only orcs" ... (he didn't know the Rolemaster combat system)
    regs tilt
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  8. #8
    Community Leader jfrazierjr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tilt View Post
    5. A beautiful lady steps out of the sea... oh.. that was a commercial... *lol*... but lets go with that anyway... Her charms seduces and dominates people around her as she have them working on pulling down a huge damm. The whole valley below are at danger.
    Sort of a twist on this one.... have someone (a woman or child even) with the ability to control minds BUT the person is actually good and being chased by person X(who may be a very prominent and well respected personage but is actually very evil). The mind controller just does not think anyone will help him/her without the mind control. Think of what would you do if you were "the boy who cried wolf" and then all of a sudden you had a REAL problem such as being hunted by someone evil who wanted to kill you. In a very RP heavy game, this could be built up over the course of many sessions so that the players don't trust the "good guy" and perhaps are patrons of the "bad guy" and they have to learn the truth and switch alliances.
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  9. #9
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Steel General's Avatar
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    A kobold with a broken short bow, could get lucky and kill someone in Rolemaster or as we used to call it... DeathMaster
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  10. #10
    Guild Artisan Aval Penworth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steel General View Post
    A kobold with a broken short bow, could get lucky and kill someone in Rolemaster or as we used to call it... DeathMaster
    In theory that's true. But the dude has made it to 29th level, despite the miriad kobold attacks.
    Last edited by Aval Penworth; 06-10-2010 at 09:40 AM.
    Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go..

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