Hi everyone!

My name is Geneviève (Gen for short , and feel free to butcher my name as you say it) or Ashtoreth on most forums and what not. I'm from Montreal, Québec, Canada. I joined here because I got tired of trying to make maps and failing at it, so I decided to join this and learn how. I'm a former video game designer (for real, like I got paid to make games and stuff) who finally got tired of the insanity of the industry, now I make a living with something much cooler, I save animals (literaly). I work as a EMT for pets, and in a vet clinic. but between all the work, and school and what not, I am making a game which starts as a tabletop dark fantasy game for my friends, but I also use the world for a personal project of mine to make a kickass games on PC (for fun) So thats makes me a total dork, in an ambulance uniform!

But yes, seriously... I'm usualy not that crazy, just got back from an allnighter from hell and I wanted to make the post before I went to bed