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Thread: Software for mapping old video games ?

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  1. #1

    Default Software for mapping old video games ?


    First time poster here, so I hope I'm in the right forum.
    I'm drawing lot's of map when playing old RPGs on computers (PC/Amiga) and I'd like to use my computer for that.
    I tried a couple of mapping software (CC3 for example) but they are aiming at producing nice looking maps, where I just want a 'functional' map for now.

    I'm looking for something in the vein of what Etrian Odissey ( DS RPG) provides: Completely square-based, no size limit, basic tiles / walls / door / and notes.
    Right now I'm still using graph paper, but I'd like to be able to play while mapping using a tablet (like a bamboo) at the same time

    Does that kind of beast exists ?

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2


    Would you be able to use something like Visio or Dia (

    You could also use Illustrator or even Photoshop (or gimp) quite easily - treating the image as a giant whiteboard (very easy if you have a tablet). In Photoshop you can open massive images - 30000x15000 is the largest I usually use because I can still save it out as a bmp for use elsewhere.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    My ViewingDale would be good at this - esp as it can do the notes and link to webpages for the game, but I would also second Robs choice and say a copy of Dungeon Forge would go a long way and is free. There were some web based apps I remember too where you could drag tiles about but I forget the name.

  5. #5


    Thanks for the suggestions !

    I've tried DungeonForger and it's indeed very simple and fits most of the requirements. But it's also old/dead and buggy.
    I also tried ViewingDale, spent a couple of minutes with without being able to draw a single wall, so it doesn't pass my dummy test
    Having to click on the small bullet in every menu to make a new menu appear was just painfull.

    I also tried Gimp and its grid + snap functionality. Doesn't work as well as DungeonForge, but it's decent it doesn't crash
    I will try to see what Dia has to offer


  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by papazark View Post
    I've tried DungeonForger and it's indeed very simple and fits most of the requirements. But it's also old/dead and buggy.

    I also tried Gimp and its grid + snap functionality. Doesn't work as well as DungeonForge, but it's decent it doesn't crash
    I wouldn't argue with the the old/dead comment, at least so far as development is concerned, but I would dispute the idea that it is buggy. There are a small number of them, but they're all pretty much known now and all relatively minor - and there are workarounds. Ditto for the artificial/unnecessary limitations.

    So long as you know how to avoid the known bugs, it is actually stable and I never have any crashes with it. Sad that there's not a developer to fix the minor bugs and limitations that exist, but there it is . Doesn't stop the prog being really useful.

    What it does have going for it is that it is quick, easy to use and functional. Much easier to fire up and use than a lot of much bigger progs.

  7. #7
    Software Dev/Rep Hai-Etlik's Avatar
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    When MUDing, I use graph paper; it's part of the experience. If I want to preserve it, I do a cleaned up version in Dia or Inkscape.

  8. #8
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    You generally use the keyboard with the mouse then you don't have to use the menus all that much. I got a 1 min vid here putting down a few rooms, a few doors and some notes on a grid. No menus were needed at all. Still, I accept that its not for everyone. I didn't think DungeonForge was that buggy but I haven't used it in anger. Gimp and PS will definitely do what you need but I think its more restrictive once you have made the map mitigated somewhat if you have all the different stuff on multiple layers.


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