This thread is definitely off track as maps go but I think someone here has the info I can't seem to find anywhere else. After checking out the thread "roleplayers" I remembered a game that was similar to Circus Maximus. The game consisted of two books that simulated arial dogfightng circa WWI. Each players book consisted of a set of drawn images of a plane either in front or behind you as you flew through the air. Bank left, turn to page 120, bank right, turn to page 56, pull the trigger if your enemy is in front of you go to page 87 etc. The game books were old when my friend first showed them and played with them with me. How old I can't say. The books were in good shape, but not new. I would love to find the name of that game. Tried google, bing
e-bay... nothing. Does this ring a bell with any of the other gamers here?