
I finally registered after winding up on this site for the umpteenth time while searching for maps to flesh out a D&D campaign I'm running for my daughters (7 and 9 y.o.). I read them The Hobbit last summer, my oldest picked up Eragon in the fall, and it's been non-stop elves, dragons, dwarves, and such ever since. Finally went out an bought the newest edition of D&D since it was such a HUGE part of my own childhood (first edition books...big red efreet on the cover of the DMs guide...buying modules at B. Dalton bookstore because there wasn't a local specialty shop until I was in my teens). They love it! I'm still lukewarm on the 4th edition (not sure how I feel about "powers"...feels a little too video-gamey), but we wind up in fights a lot less often than we role-play through exploration and meeting new friends/villains, solving riddles, and just general make-believe-ing. So much fun.

I've held off on letting them watch the LoTR trilogy because I was afraid it might be too intense. Just watched it this weekend and it was a home-run, slam-dunk, standing ovation success! I'll be here a lot, I think, prepping for the kids' first big quest (they're traveling east from Fallcrest to Spellgard...mixed game worlds, I know, but I'm rolling with it). Found some great wilderness road battlemaps and a nice overhead view of a hamlet to use enroute to Spellgard. Look forward to participating in The Guild.
