Are there college and university faculty members out there who use CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, or other drawing software to teach cartography?

If you do, do you use it in combination with other software or GIS packages? Do you know of others who use drawing software to teach cartography?

Like many geography departments, my department no longer teaches cartography. What students learn about the subject they learn in our GIS courses, but, in my experience, GIS courses don't do a very good job at teaching cartographic principles. Moreover, GIS is not ideal for many mapping purposes. I taught cartography using CorelDraw when I was a graduate student. I also use CorelDraw to create maps for my research.

I am contemplating creating a cartography course that uses CorelDraw, but I want to get a sense whether people whose focus is cartography still think this is an appropriate way to teach map making, or if other tools are now better for that purpose.

Thanks for any help you can provide.


Blake Gumprecht


Blake Gumprecht
Associate Professor and Chair
Department of Geography
University of New Hampshire
102 Huddleston Hall, 73 Main Street
Durham, New Hampshire 03824-2541
Voice: (603) 862-1930
Fax: (603) 862-4362
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