Hi! Just joined.

I'm a pen-n-paper enthusiast (AD&D, AD&D2e, RuneQuest), old school miniature collector (circa 1977-1983, the uglier the better), and closet cartophiliac (the shame).

I have a healthy love for fantasy cartography, and I like to dabble when I find the time. There aren't a lot of RPG hobbyists in the area, so I tend to satisfy my gaming needs by devising and developing simple campaign settings. It's not really a hobby I could take to the local art gallery, but it makes me happy. I've done some very basic maps that aren't so horrible that I won't share them here. And I'd also like to add that I have no practical knowledge to share that relates to the art of cartography, I just want to absorb your knowledge, maybe offer some useful outsider criticism along the way.

Great community, btw.