Hi all, I'm a Hobby enthusiast with a zeal for D&D and video games.

I love artwork. In fact, the quickest way to impress me is with flashy visuals.

I am also the father of the two greatest children ever, which is also my greatest crutch. Not the kids, but I am involved in an undying court battle with my ex wife to see them. It consumes my time and my efforts, so quite often I decide to start something only to never have time to finish. So, I try not to commit to stuff these days.

Back to the gaming aspect, I am a DM of ... gosh, 15 years. I am very very rules lawyerish. I believe the sanctity of the game and the trust of your players is preserved by sticking to a rigid set of guidelines, even if every once in a while they seem silly.

So yeah, there you have it.