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Thread: LF Parchment Style Geography Sets

  1. #1

    Question LF Parchment Style Geography Sets

    I'm a little new to map making and just got CC3. The mountain and tree sets that come with the program are a little bit cartoony for my taste. I was wondering is someone could direct me toward some parchemtn style geography sets. I imagine it looking fairly Middle Earth-ish. I even found a link of a ball park of what I like. Basically, I like the brush stroke look, without looking too sloppy or too simplistic.

    Link to what I'm looking for:

    On another note, if someone has any recommendations on other symbol sets, I would greatly appreciate it. Good city sets is another thing I'm really looking for right now.

    I appreciate the help!

  2. #2
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Maine, USA


    Schwarzkreuz has some great mapping elements including mountains. I believe they are designed as Gimp brush sets, not sure if they can be used with CC3 or not.

  3. #3

  4. #4


    Thanks for the help!

    Anyone know a good one for trees? That's another one I'm really looking for.

  5. #5


    You should really check out Ramah's Tree thing. That will do Tolkien trees for you and more besides. Do a search to find it, but if you can't then post here and I'll try and hunt down where he's put it on the site. It's that good it really should be in lights somewhere.

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