We've now got 36,000 members of which 1,300 actively use the site.

Arcana (the site owner) takes the responsibility for paying the server costs to keep this site running - the CG is free to all.

Please, please, please think about making a donation to help keep this site running efficiently on a dedicated server. We are very graphically heavy for a bbs and that does take its toll. The advertising revenue the site receives is not enough to pay for a dedicated server to host this site.

Arcana needs about $700 to meet dedicated server related costs for the next year - $500 have been raised by people who have kindly donated already. If you have not donated, please consider making a donation, if only as a 'thank you' to Arcana for keeping this site going. Every little helps - if every active user donated just $1 that would pay the cost of a dedicated server for the next 2 years!
