Well, it's that time again and so we don't eat up too much of our Januaray time we must get to the voting.

The challenge was:
Make a map based on a location near you. It could be the entire state you live in, a hiking trail or a park in your area or even the inside of your fridge. We aren't asking for directions to your front door. You can turn it into a Fantasy or Science Fiction map if you like but that's up to you so just have fun with it.
In order to vote:

1. Take a look at challenge entries, link provided here:

2. Vote for as many entries as you like. (Note that voting for all of them will not help to decide a winner.)

3. Remember to give REP for those entries that you feel deserving of it.

We had a short month and a small group of entrants but thanks to everyone who got involved for keeping it interesting.

Voting will end in 4 days.