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Thread: Kickstarter - Game Tiles

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  1. #1

    Default Kickstarter - Game Tiles

    Hi all,

    I looked around the forum and haven't found any mention of this great kickstarter from Dwarven Forge. If anyone is interested in roleplaying or miniature gaming, you have to check this KS. It's the opportunity of a lifetime to grab some 3d game tiles for a very low price compared to the regular stuff.

    Have a look here : Dwarven Forge's Game Tiles: Revolutionary Miniature Terrain by Dwarven Forge — Kickstarter
    The truth detective

  2. #2


    I've seen this and have been on the fence about it.

    It looks cool. However, for actual game sessions, I need way more than dungeon walls and floors. When I look at several sets put together, I end up thinking - is that really all I can do with these? I need wooden walls, brick walls, dirt floors, all kinds of other terrain to make these really versatile. My next session will be in a house and swamp. These don't work for that. Last session was on a farm. These don't work for that either. On the other hand, I have been able to use: Paizo's map packs and WoTC Dungeon Tiles in all four of my latest game sessions. While these look more substantial and have a general cool factor, I've never used the Dwarven Forge that I already have (dungeon walls and floors similar to these), and I've found much more usability with the tiles, flip mats, etc. Cool vs. practical is the dilema. YMMV

  3. #3


    Hello all,

    Just a quick update on the game tiles kickstarter. As of tonight, the project has reached 1 million dollars in backing so it's a great time to join the fun and the hobby. A great opportunity to transform our 2d maps in 3D works of art.

    The truth detective

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