I need a map

hehe I guess you all guessed that right?

Well as I'm new to the forum forgive me for not knowing a lot about this. I don't have a clue on prices for maps and I guess what I need is maybe expensiver than what I intend.. Thx in advance for taking the time for this.

I rule a game called Lords of the Earth you all maybe know. I'm the GM for the l53 game that is the only game in spanish (as far as I know) and also the only game free for all. What I want now is to start preparations for another game but this time has to be something diferent so I need a diferent map.

Now into what you all want to know, what I want:

I want a complet world map, divided in regions. I want a world with many islands and small continents. Some big contients too but 2 is more than enought, and big means something like Europe til the urals) so nothing really huge.

I need mountains, small and big rivers, lakes, well everything. I don't need any building of any tipe, cos those would be represented with simbols.

The actual map size i'm using is (acording to photoshop) 290.05x220.03 cm. and 8222 x 6237 pixels... I would like something maybe not as big, but more than half of it...

I don't know anything about prices. This is not for making any profit so I'm happy to pay for it but I need to consider the costs...

Oh, and forgive my english