In the world of Shan, society, technology, and culture are breaking down. The planet's ecology is a mess. Folks are dying everywhere, and things seem pretty hopeless in most places. But there are people still doing well for themselves... the Death Cults. Once outlawed and reviled in most places, with the collapse of modern society, people are turning more and more to any perceived chance to last another day... even if it means embracing necromancy and even more vile practices.

Roaming the borderlands and deserts is one particularly strong Death Cult - the Cult of the Living Shadow. Traveling the wastes in their massive landships, the Cult is constantly in search of new converts and, most of all, fuel. Their ships run on the energy of human souls. So huge are the Cult's three mobile fortresses that each houses entire slave societies that live and die within the bowels of the ship, never seeing the light of day. Each ship carries with it a small fleet of tenders, outriders, scouts, and smaller combat vehicles, most powered by more mundane steam engines or even slave-muscle-powered gear engines. But the mobile fortresses are the heart of the Cult - each a city unto itself, hundreds of feet in length, capable of surviving even in the deep deserts where death is all but certain.

WIP to follow...