Hello Guild mates,

I have been an enthusiastic D&D fan since I first looked at AD&D in the 80s. I now play in a game and run another. 3.5 rules are at our core and I have fully created my game setting based on 3.5. I want to map and build some of the basic structures frequented in game.
I don't have a ton of money and still want to have a great time interacting with the concepts I must labor to relate to my group. Some 2D maps, 3D elements and dry/ wet erase map making are all desired. I have some 3D designs I am working to model with modular capabilities that will be fun and cheap. With the addition of graphic map overlays, I think many more may be able to enjoy my designs as well.

You are EXPERTS! Help this armature get closer to your level, please.

I await the greatness I anticipate.