Hello Guild. My name is John. I'm from central Pennsylvania. I'm a huge fan of fantasy of world building. I recently undertook A project that I have been developing ever since I was 13 years old. I am now on the 23 years old and it's about time that I finally put something down on paper. I still have a lot of work to do now that I'm getting more serious about it and I'm here looking for anybody who might have some time offer and helping me out. Notably, I'm looking for people who have a town that might make it. I'm pretty sure that I've come to the right place considering what I've seen so far in this site. I'm looking forward to See more of what's on the site and hopefully getting some feedback from you guys here. I'm also looking for someone who would be interested in making a map for me for my fantasy world. But before I can take any private messages to the content of such have to have my friends posted. So I'll get to work on that here in the near future. Until then I look forward to speaking to whoever might be interested in helping me out.