Hi! My name is Alec St Gale. I have been world-building as long as I can remember, first with my sister, who is a very talented world-builder and storyteller, and then on my own.

My biggest project is my own world called Evia'Arden. It is a large world with lovely contributions from friends.

Currently I am working on a novel with my fiance, and I'm in charge of many of the world-building aspects while she does the writing.

As to maps, I have a deep passion for making maps, city designs, diagrams, and houseplans. I am well aware that I am not the most polished artist in these regards, but I do try to think out the designs and labor over them longer than anything else my ADD lets me.

I found this place and immediately said to my fiance, Kit, "Oh my god it's heaven!" Now here I am. I look forward to learning from you all and getting some feedback on my designs.