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Thread: Fantasy world for novel series

  1. #1

    Default Fantasy world for novel series

    I've been world building steadily for over three years now for a fantasy series i first conceived about 8 years ago. I am currently working with an illustrator on characters, a bestiary, spells, religion, ect and am looking to add cartography to that list! The character illustrator and I already work very closely together and under her and I's arrangement i have purchased the rights and ownership including the copyrights and intellectual property rights to all work commissioned. That is an arrangement i would be looking to establish with you as well. I am an artist-
    and therefore understand a fine piece of work is worth paying money for and i am more than willing to come to an agreement amicable to us both but whatever agreed upon price should include room for several rough drafts and also carefully scheduled and adhered to dates for "progress" exhibitions on your behalf to let me know how things are going.

    I'm a pretty straightforward individual who enjoys working with the skillful and competent. On the payment schedules we arrange i will not be late, i therefore ask you not be lax and unprofessional about your work and keeping me updated. This is an independent project funded mostly by myself and i am therefore looking to be as efficient and purposeful with both yours and my own time as possible.

    Below i will include the map that truly inspired my respect for the art of cartography. I admire the professionalism and the sheer vastness of the thing and it is very much a style/concept i would like to incorporate into this project as well.

  2. #2
    Professional Artist Guild Supporter Wired's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    That is all nice and well, but you haven't actually told us what you need.
    --> B&W or colored; size and desired resolution; city or region or world map; what style you are intered in...
    Last edited by Wired; 03-24-2015 at 05:18 AM.

  3. #3


    Wired - I think he might be looking to work with someone on more than one map. That was the feel I got from it.

  4. #4


    Has this request been taken? If so please let me know and I will archive this thread.


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