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Thread: Warning! Will Robinson! Warning!

  1. #21


    @heathen - No problem... under gimp 2.4 it is under the "toolbox dialog" File->Preferences. Under gimp 2.6 it is in the main window under Edit->Preferences.

    @jfrazierjr - See Here

    -Rob A>

  2. #22
    Guild Member heathan666's Avatar
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    Does Hell actually have an address???


    ya I saw it, now I got like a gang load of textures/tiles and stuff I want to use, what's the quickest way to convert???? I know you said you could create a script but this is like alot of textures....

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by heathan666 View Post
    ya I saw it, now I got like a gang load of textures/tiles and stuff I want to use, what's the quickest way to convert???? I know you said you could create a script but this is like alot of textures....
    I'll tell you - here is how I use my textures (all png files). I don't import them all, cause gimp has no decent way to group them into folders, etc. There is a python brush manager I use and I have been tempted to extend it to also be a pattern manager, but find the following workflow is more convenient for me...

    I have gimp open, and I'm working on a drawing. I also keep faststone image viewer running, sitting in my textures root directory. All my textures are ordered in a directory like this:

    -BASIC (contains textures I use often)
    -TERRAIN (larger scale, the others are all battlemap scale)
    -PHOTOREALISTIC (photos I have taken/rendered that usually aren't seamless tiles yet)

    I just copy (ctrl-C) from the faststone image browser (preview window, not the thumbnail list!) and then go into gimp and paste (ctrl-v) then cut (ctrl-x). This leave me with the pattern in the gimp clipboard and I can just use it as a fill.

    If I want it as a pattern for a while, after this I just Edit->Paste as->New Pattern.

    -Rob A>

  4. #24
    Guild Journeyer
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    I didn't realise you could fill using the clipboard, this makes things so much easier, glad I checked this thread now, thanks for asking the question heathan!

  5. #25
    Guild Member heathan666's Avatar
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    Does Hell actually have an address???


    ok so now I'm workin' on a dungeon map using the script I have and all my new found little textures. So I want to make the map fairly realistic are there any sites that you guys can suggest to me to look at when creating a realistic dungeon???

  6. #26
    Community Leader NeonKnight's Avatar
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  7. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by heathan666 View Post
    ok so now I'm workin' on a dungeon map using the script I have and all my new found little textures. So I want to make the map fairly realistic are there any sites that you guys can suggest to me to look at when creating a realistic dungeon???
    No answer yet, so I'll post one up..... What do you mean by "realistic dungeon"? Photo-realistic, or "real life" realistic?

    If the former, try the dundjinni forums for objects. If the latter, I don't know 'cause I've never seen a real dungeon

    -Rob A>

  8. #28
    Guild Member heathan666's Avatar
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    Does Hell actually have an address???


    well what I mean is realistic as in developing an ecology and how to pick where traps go etc. For my next adventure I plan on using a school of magic, probably 2 story building with various stuff. Last time I made the maps PCs complained that they didn't "fit" right, but the map was awesome. So in that sense I'm glad I'm doin' better on the maps.
    If anyone has a map of a "school" of magic I'd love to ninja it from you, lol.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by heathan666 View Post
    If anyone has a map of a "school" of magic I'd love to ninja it from you, lol.
    Check out the Building/Structure Mapping and the FInished Maps forums, you might just find something.
    My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...

    Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

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