This is more of a re-introduction... After a several month hiatus, it's nice to finally have some time to get back and browse the forums.
Life has been pretty crazy the last few months and I haven't had much time...
The Geography Department at the University of Colorado at Denver offered me a job teaching three days before classes started. My funding at Colorado State University was running out so I took it. And I was behind before I ever started. My head is still spinning trying to catch up!
Our 5 year-old daughter started kindergarten.
Our third child was born two weeks after classes started. Which, as luck would have it, was during the week vacation UCD shut for the Democratic National Convention. Worked out great!
After we were getting life settled down with the new job and baby, our 3 year-old son needed his tonsils out. Another two weeks of turmoil!
Plus, I've been sick twice in the last month.


However, I have been able to take some time and spend with the kids. It's great that our daughter is studying geography at school. She likes looking at atlases and cartoon maps of animals and people. She has even drawn a few "abstract" maps of imaginary places. And what the 5 year-old does, the 3 year-old absorbs. Over Christmas I hope we can do some more geography and mapping.
Looking forward to seeing some great maps here again!