Okay for this months Map challenge (considering my failures thus far to complete one don't expect too much) I was going to try something a bit unusual... who'd of thunk it.

But before I start I wanted to ask a bit of advice first.

If I made three layers and red shifted one, and blue shifted another and kept the third black and white... using those red and blue glasses would it be 3d? Or is that only if the images are aligned slightly differantly for each eye? How about Defraction films (the non red and blue 3d style glasses and some science kits include these types of transparent films)? Would they work on monitors or would they be required to be printed?

And of course the important question, is that just pipe dreaming at this point anyway? Who could view it as intended? would people find these type of unusual maps interesting?

If I must I'll share my idea but I kinda want it to be a surprise.