Before CC3, the main use I had for sheets came from the Cosmographer Add-on; each deck (and the hull) of a starship deckplan was done on a separate sheet. I used the same technique for multi-level dungeons and multi-floor buildings. Now CC3 is out, the main purpose of sheets seems to be the application of visual effects. I'm not sure how to convert my old CC2 deckplans, buildings and subterrainian structures to take advantage of these features. Should I use
  1. layers for level designations and sheets to organize entities into categories and purpose? The "Front only on layer" option for symbols and drawtools would be invaluable here, but converting an existing drawing would require a custom script.
  2. sheet names with a category prefix and a level suffix? This would work for symbols with forced wildcard sheets, but drawtools may have trouble.
  3. sheet names with a level prefix and a category suffix? I could show a level's sheets more easily with "HIDESHTF *;SHOWSHT levelname*" but it would make forced sheet symbols and tools impossible to use.
  4. some other method I haven't considered?

Please indicate your preferance by answering the poll. If one of the middle two options, would you group sheets by level or category?


Dalton "who hopes this is a worthy first post for this forum" Spence