I'm working on an ambitious project, mapping an entire globe for my campaign setting. It is based on a projection of earth 50 million years in the future. I've already done a ton of work on it, but now I'm getting down to the nitty-gritty things, like placing rivers and lakes and mountains.

I'm largely able to do this by looking at Earth maps; erosion only changes so much, and as long as the region hasn't had massive tectonic shifts things will remain fairly similar.

Right now I'm mainly looking for a map which lists mountain peaks.

Also, I'm in need of some advice on what level of detail I should show on a map which is a 2,000 mile by 2,000 mile square (I'm doing it in 200 dpi in a 10 by 10 inch canvas). I'm looking to make both a satellite style map and a hand drawn "in world" style map.

Thanks all.