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Thread: City design... in a new way

  1. #21
    Guild Expert Greason Wolfe's Avatar
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    If nobody else has, already, I'd like to lay claim to Larim Greyson (or Greason teehee) since he is a seaman and I was a seaman at one time. Of course, if someone is already working on something for that particular character, well, I'll just move along to another. Love this idea and it will give me a chance to stretch my fingers a bit (and a break from charting out rivers).

    Larim Greyson (Day 55)

    It's been two days since the Lass went down. We did everything we could to save her, but there just weren't enough of us. Bless Captain Harrison and his kin. He did the honorable thing and went down with the Lass, giving up his place in the life boat to Old Man Kressel and his grand-daughter. To be honest, though, I'd rather have the captain back, at least he had a bit of common sense. Not like Lieutenant Atwood. How he became an officer, I'll never understand. He wouldn't listen when I tried to suggest that we rope ourselves to the other life boat. Said that'd just make it harder on whoever was rowing. Don't know how many were on that boat, but we lost her last night, disappeared into the darkness. And now he's got us rowing due north.

    Tried to tell him we needed to head east, point our bow into the morning sun. Figured that'd be the best way to make landfall, but he wouldn't listen to that either. He's gonna be the death of us all unless . . . but that'd be mutiny. Still . . .

    Besides Old Man Kressel and his grand-daughter, there's me, the Lieutenant, Hiram (the cook) and Jasper one of the newer deck-hands.. He's a boy, really, this being his first voyage and all. But he's giving it his all, rowing hard when it's his turn. Even if we're going the wrong way, between Jasper, Hiram and myself, we're making pretty good progress. It'd be better if Atwood would dirty his hands a little, but he thinks himself above such things.

    Hiram talked Becca (Old Man Kressel's grand-daugher) into giving up a bit of her frilly thread and lace and managed a hook out of a lantern handle, but without bait, I don't think he's going to catch anything. And even if he does, we don't have any way to cook it. If we don't find land soon, none of us are going to make it.
    Last edited by Greason Wolfe; 04-20-2009 at 08:34 AM. Reason: Adding excerpt

    One's worth is not measured by stature, alone. By heart and honor is One's true value weighed.

    Current Non-challenge WIP : Beyond Sosnasib
    Current Lite Challenge WIP : None
    Current Main Challenge WIP : None
    Completed Maps : Various Challenges

  2. #22
    Guild Adept loogie's Avatar
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    That's great man, and I'm happy to take him on. The list i have were meant to be people accounted for (greyson was already mentioned in my first entry... so he is meant to be aboard the Daisy May, but I an't take your namesake from you now can I! Its really no big deal because he was litterally just a name in my entry... I'm going to say those in your entry are the only survivors from the lass... unless anyone feels like making a good story out of their survival. I'll msg you a gist of the plans ivwas thinking, so you can either continue with entries, or you know whats happens. thanks again!
    Photoshop, CC3, ArcGIS, Bryce, Illustrator, Maptool

  3. #23
    Guild Adept loogie's Avatar
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    Info entry 2

    Heres the next entry, some people go missing... the repairs are taking longer... etc

    Entry 2
    Lord Arthien’s Personal Diary
    Day 58

    The progress on repairing our ships has slowed to a crawl. Last night after an argument with his mother, the young lad Raiff ran out into the forest. Danriella went into the forest after him, but neither have returned. One of the men saw her leave, and claimed to hear screams not long after but there were no other reports of such distressing news.

    When daylight came I sent both of my personal guard out with Danriella's husband Randall to search for them. I gave them instruction to come straight to me with any evidence; I don't want rumours to spook the men. Algrim, Baor and the man returned with a single shred of the boys clothing, drenched with blood. Randall has since been a muttering mess, collapsed and wailing in his tent alone. I feel for his loss, but I must tailor my mood to best fit the people's needs.

    I've told Algrim to gather volunteers and set up a watch during the night; no one is to leave the camp after dark. I've also limited the trips to the forest to one a day, in an armed group. The majority of brush and wood will go toward large parameter fires, to light the area and repel wildlife. I've also asked Algrim and a few of the volunteers to perform a scouting mission along the beach each day, until I find definite proof that the Lass has been lost to the sea, I will continue to search for survivors.

    The fires are already taking a toll on the wood supply, and Danriella was one of the best seamstresses we had on board. The damage to our ship and sails will not be repaired quickly. I believe we may need to settle in for a longer stay.
    Photoshop, CC3, ArcGIS, Bryce, Illustrator, Maptool

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Gamerprinter View Post
    Her contribution.

    Actually, I've always been a Him but thanks for coming to my rescue Tall, Dark and Printerly.

    Loogie is being far too kind and worried about impressions. My posts are contributions not possessions.

    The map looks good. I'll post again when I have the creative spark.

    Dollhouse Syndrome = The temptation to turn a map into a picture, obscuring the goal of the image with the appeal of cute, or simply available, parts. Maps have clarity through simplification.

    --- Sigurd

  5. #25

    Post Helping Loogie Out

    Everyone who wants to see this experiment get interesting, realizes that one person will have to put all the other inspirations & stuff into order. Because you came up with the idea, because you've been so polite, and because you didn't ask for the job -- Loogie, you're the perfect leader for this.

    Therefore In order to give Loogie a vote of support...

    I hereby vote for Loogie as number one, High Poobah, Historian Uber Chief for this thread. With the dread powers to mince and mangle, encourage and cajole, all the posts here presented.
    "I give you the light or Eärendil.... yadda da, yadda da,"

    All in agreement add "Loogie's my chief historian." to the end of a post in this thread. 'If it aint got a Loogie on it, its only a suggestion'.
    Last edited by Sigurd; 04-20-2009 at 07:00 PM.

    Dollhouse Syndrome = The temptation to turn a map into a picture, obscuring the goal of the image with the appeal of cute, or simply available, parts. Maps have clarity through simplification.

    --- Sigurd

  6. #26
    Guild Expert Greason Wolfe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sigurd View Post
    All in agreement add "Loogie's my chief historian." to the end of a post in this thread. 'If it aint got a Loogie on it, its only a suggestion'.

    So it is written, so shall it be!


    One's worth is not measured by stature, alone. By heart and honor is One's true value weighed.

    Current Non-challenge WIP : Beyond Sosnasib
    Current Lite Challenge WIP : None
    Current Main Challenge WIP : None
    Completed Maps : Various Challenges

  7. #27
    Guild Adept loogie's Avatar
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    Thanks... I hope. Should get another post up today.
    Photoshop, CC3, ArcGIS, Bryce, Illustrator, Maptool

  8. #28
    Guild Adept loogie's Avatar
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    Here’s the 3rd entry to this. (I need to put these intros so that there are enough non-quotations to post ). In the passing nights another man is lost, and a second injured.

    We lost another man last night, and another was badly injured. Kinridge and Fellern, both volunteers for the night watch. It seems Kinridge stumbled upon Fellern, lifeless beside some shrubbery just outside the northern group of tents. As he was trying to wake his friend, he two was attacked, grabbed by the arm and dragged through the brush. Baor heard the commotion from his post, and came to his aid, managing to score a hit on the beast. It let go of Kinridge, and retreated, but neither man saw the thing directly. Throughout the commotion Fellerns body was taken as well, following the bend in the tall grass we can only assume he was dragged into the forest. Kinridge’s would is deep, and he will most likely lose much of the use of his left hand. Still, he is alive which is more then can be said about his friend.

    With an attack so close in our midst I have no choice but to suspend work on the Aspen in favour of fortifications. I have ordered the men to build a wooden palisade, and to retrieve the wood from the forest farther away, above the ridge. The trip is longer, but much smaller logs are needed for this venture allowing us to keep our stockpile high for multiple fires.

    I have also asked that all of the men move closer to the main encampment and anyone without combat experience to spend the nights on the Daisy May under Algrim's guard; with the enemy upon us, we cannot be too careful. No one is to be alone, and the fires will burn all night. May Fellern's soul find peace with the others lost to this expedition.
    Photoshop, CC3, ArcGIS, Bryce, Illustrator, Maptool

  9. #29


    Ernst Sputage - Carpenter

    It can't be done. They won't see it. The Aspen has lost two major spars and three of her cross braces were burnt last night. I told them to leave the timber but the men are scared to sleep without light.

    We might be able to save one boat with what we can salvage from the other but we'll never save both without finding some decent timber.

    I told captain --- at the start of this to lay in explorers ballast. We should have barrels of nails, and weapons. I just discovered the Aspen is loaded with shale. Instead of supplies to build a wall we have nothing useful.

    We have to find some timber to make these repairs and maybe make some defenses. If they think I'm heading inland without a full work gang and defenders they're nuts....

    I think Ernst objects to the site decent language rules!
    Perhaps we should have a cast list of who's who and what they do?
    Last edited by Sigurd; 04-23-2009 at 07:55 AM.

    Dollhouse Syndrome = The temptation to turn a map into a picture, obscuring the goal of the image with the appeal of cute, or simply available, parts. Maps have clarity through simplification.

    --- Sigurd

  10. #30
    Guild Adept loogie's Avatar
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    i'm working on it... i think i'm going to try to put together a docuwiki on my site, where we cam post entries and keep track of the city and world... would that be agreeable to all?
    Photoshop, CC3, ArcGIS, Bryce, Illustrator, Maptool

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