I signed up for this site about a week ago, and I have yet to acknowledge my existence here... sorry. I'm just coming out of hiding and saying hello to everyone. I've been browsing the map here and looking at the tutorials; I haven't posted on any of them yet, I guess that makes me a lurker. I will remedy this and post on a few things later.

Now about myself, I like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain... oops wrong site. Okay, for real now. I've been playing rpgs for a few years now, and since the release of 4th edition (Gurps & DnD), I've been interested in running my own campaign. I found this website from a link on a website about creating your own campaign setting. I've decide to run my first game in Eberron, since I want to get experience as a GM before making my own world. Since most my fun budget went into the new DnD books, magic cards, and a Personal Soundtrack T-Shirt (look it up) I have been limited to free PC programs and good ol' pen and paper to make my maps and dungeons. In the future I may invest more money into Cartography, but I think I'm good with what I have for the time being. My goals on this site are: to learn from others how to make my own great maps, to use other people maps in my campaign (with permission of course), and to one day raise that number next to "Reputation" by posting my own maps.

I would like to end this post by thanking this here community, In that week that I've been lurking around here I've seen some of the most beautiful maps. I am serious, a few of them go beyond professional quality fantasy maps to the point where they could concievably be real place. So without further gilding the lily, thank you Cartographers Guild.