"The Ice Krowne has but one coast: the southern coast. It is a phenomenon well known amongst sages, wizards, and other erudites that an ancient magick lies upon all that land, so that, wherever one goes in it, one's lodestone compass will point ever towards the land's far cold middle, thus utterly confounding the usual concept of the four cardinal directions that people are wont to rely on in more reasonable places of the Worlde. In fact, the magick is so strong in the Krowne's deeper reaches that a lodestone becomes fundamentally useless and silly, pointing first this way and then another, as if the very notion of direction itself had no meaning, which obviously cannot be the case, because a man can stand anywhere in the Krowne and look forward, left, right, or backward, as he can do enywhere else -- but he cannot know whether forward is north, or left is south, or which way to face if he would orient himself to the four sides of a map as people understand maps. However, one simple and consistent result of this phenomenon is that one's compass shall point ever away from the coast, no matter which part of the coast one references or approaches; thus, as a whimsical surrender to the absurdity of the situation, all of the Ice Krowne's coast is called the south coast, no matter how blatantly ridiculous the situation might seem to cartographers, who know better, but who cannot explain the matter sufficiently to laymen."