Hello everyone! I have been a member here for a little while but I've only read posts and not actually posted anything until now. I have been a D&D player and DM for a long time and so when I decided to create my own world I decided to become an aspiring cartographer. I bought CC3, Fractal Terrains Pro, Dungeon Designer 3 and City Designer Pro last year and have been practicing mainly on Fractal Terrains.

I have viewed a lot of tutorials and have tinkered with the programs for so long I lost track of how many hours I've spent on them. I am still struggling with a lot of the features and have run into many road blocks, but Im not one to give up easily, especially after having made an investment in my campaign setting.

My biggest weaknesses are exporting maps and Importing FT Pro maps into CC3, dealing with some of the visual bugs that pop up in FT Pro, and being satisfied with my results

I'd appreciate any help you fine people may wish to offer when I voice a concern or finally figure out how to export one of my maps to fit the Guild's map posting parameters.

Cheers and thanks for your time!