I've begun working on the basic style and look and feel of the site to try and bring it back to the way it used to be, or as close to it as possible given the capabilities of vBulletin. When all is said and done, I believe it will end up being better than before.

Until I am done with this process, I am leaving the vBulletin default theme as the default theme you all see...BUT, if you'd like to preview and beta test the theme development, read on:

Advanced and extremely curious users only
I have made the Cartographer theme available for selection and use. If you would like to switch over to this theme you will already be exposed to the old familiar colors of the previous forum software. However, you must keep in mind that it is in development, and that it will be changing over time, possibly in the middle of your browsing the forum.

Since I will be working on it over the next few days, it may of course change, but also become temporarily "broken" or "unreadable" due to a mistake or poor color/graphic choice or placement. If this happens, you can either switch back to default, or wait until I identify and fix the problem that will most likely be temporary.

Please use this thread to discuss the theme development. You can choose the NEW theme by selecting it from the drop down list in the lower left hand corner of the forum where it says "-- Default Style"
