Hi there! I stumbled across this happy community quite some time ago, shortly after I bought Fractal Mapper 8. I've been lurking a little, and have been blown away by the talent here! Still, I figured I'd jump on in and muddy the waters anyway.

Mostly, I want to make maps for rpgs - I've a couple in mind at the moment but unfortunately they seem quite determined to stay there! One's a large steam/clock-punkish city full of gritty ne'erdowells (did I hear someone at the back muttering "Thief rip-off!"? Well, you're absolutely correct). The other is a world that suffered a disaster (yeah, still working on exactly what) several thousand years ago, and is consequently extremely arid and all the seas have drastically receeded. I'm sure you know the kind of thing - I saw that a few similar concepts have been posted here before.

Anywho, you all have my express permission to poke me with pointy sticks until I post something less wordy and more map-ular!