Am I late? Nope, I think what's important is that the first post pops in here ^^

Myself? Which self? Ah, possibly the one who lead me here from that remote country of Cheese. I'm a dungeon master before a drawer. I've moved to online roleplaying a little more than a year ago. Lately, I've been using MapTool to handle everything related to map and token moves. Yet, when you play online, you need better map that the one drawn in half a second... So I'm looking to better my maps (well, should say "draw passable maps") and finally found you. I use Dungeon Designer (add-on of CC3) to quickly make my dungeons. I don't really get how to draw a beautiful map with the CC3 "core drawing tools", so I guess I'll look at the different tutorials to use Gimp.

Ah, and also, I'm impressed with some maps I saw around here (that's a true feeling). I'd be happy to use some if I can find a way to get them in my scenarii. Don't expect tons of posts, I'll only publish reusable and beautiful maps, that is to say I'm not publishing anything before ages... yet I've got some hope to achieve it one day