Oh yeah, you know its really cold, you betcha. (Or that is what I would say in northern minnesota. In Minneapolis, not so much of the finlander acccent. But is still zero F as I type. In fact on Saturday, it was 25 degrees and we commented to one another how balmy it felt.)

I'm in my late thirties, been playing DnD for 25 years or so. (red box, anyone?)

I've been lurking for a bit, working on map or two. I started my computer-generated map-making with Fractint under DOS, where you could make pretty landscapes based on fractals, but had no control to speak up. I've used Fractal Mapper by NBOS.

I am using gimp, and I've learned a great deal by making my first map, under RobA's tutorial. It is a million times better that what I started in with Fractal Mapper.

Thanks, btw, to the people who have led the way and assembled the tutorials...