i'd like to keep the artistic borders and the hand painted mountains, you could erase the trees and add new ones using brushes, the coast in the gulf I prefer to be textured as sand, the cliffs around the peninsula are steep cliffs and i'd like them to be rocky, the mountains i'd like to have snowy peaks, the valleys and the hills around the mountains are lush, whilst the most flat areas are sorta deserty (but not sahara desert type of desert, more like middle east type desert sands) i'd like it to have areas with grass aswell, the vegetation being more abundant near and in the mountains and near rivers, i'd prefer this to have rivers aswell, the southern landmass is more desert then the north, the gulf of tasminthe being especially rich in vegetation, each red marker is a city, i'd like them to be conected by roads, you could delete my compas if you find a more suiting one, the scale (sorry I know nothing about scaling so I took a guess, the paper is a4 (30 wide 21 high, in cms) and each square in my scale is half a cm, equalling 50 real meters, 30x21=630 x 50=31500 square meters, 31.5 square km)
i'd be grateful for ages if you help me out.
thanks for considering my request.
god bless.