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  1. GIMP works-in-progress

    In addition to learning Fractal Mapper, I'm also trying to learn techniques for map-making in GIMP. Right now, I'm working through two different tutorials: one by Butch Curry (which uses Photoshop, so I'm adapting it to Gimp as I go), and one by RobA here in Cartographers' Guild.

    I haven't gotten very far with Curry's method, but here is a shot of what I have. I created a forest pattern, and put it on a mask layer, so that I can very quickly paint in areas of forest on my map. ...
  2. Fractal Mapper Works-In-Progress

    I am attempting to learn how to use Fractal Mapper. I like the Fractal World Explorer, and supposedly you can import and export images between FWE and Fractal Mapper. In v7 however (the one I have), the interface is clunky and the results are often not the best.

    Still, I've been making some amount of progress by using a hand-drawn map as a background image, and building on top of that. I'm starting with a continent map and a small regional map that I had drawn by hand. In this post ...