• Voradin - by Tom Cardin

    Map (Click to enlarge)

    Created in: Photoshop


    Voradin is a young empire, recently visited by Guild cartographer Tom Cardin. He has made a great and realistic looking map. The mountains and forested hills look fantastic and give the map a feeling of depth. Places of interest are mostly depicted sattelite style as well, with walls and houses showing. There's some great textures in there, like the farmland and wasteland.

    Tom Cardin says:
    Though Voradin is young, the empires' strength lies in ancient roots, for both the dwarven home of the Red Peaks and the famous college of Ganlan are united under the banner of the Emperor. Voradin City, seat of the Empire, is a small sparkling jewel. It's magic and strengths are impressive sights to all free peoples who travel through its gates. Artistry and strength show in the towering, iron girded buildings and the walls upon which massive guardian defenders stand.

    For all the Empires' power, there are still many dark dangers lying wait in the vast forest wildernesses and among the heavy earthen roots of the Starfall Mountains. The cursed lord of the forest, Timberjaw, still prowls among the great trees. Meanwhile, a mysterious evil is also roaming the land, growing in strength, whispering many lies and striking with great subtlety...

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    This article was originally published in forum thread: Voradin - by Tom Cardin started by Gandwarf View original post
    Comments 1 Comment
    1. Raven Moon's Avatar
      Raven Moon -
      OUTSTANDING WORK!!! Favorite map so far. I want to create this style with topo lines as well as a few other features.