Conversation Between Mouse and ladiestorm

25 Visitor Messages

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  1. You're very welcome

    As for joining the Challenge? I don't know, Storm. I'm not so sure I can work that fast, and I know I go to pieces under any kind of pressure.

    But then again... I might just make the attempt. Seeing me panic under stress can be quite entertaining... or so I'm told
  2. Thanks for the rep, Mouse! You know... I look forward to you joining one of these challenges someday, you will blow us away!
  3. Hey Storm - I just answered that Cathoulla city question back on Profantasy. What ya tryin a do da me! LOL
  4. Mmmm.... I'm still fiddling with the controls over here and trying to get the hang of it all. And thanks for the rep yourself ;-) Another castle would be a great idea. I'm looking forward to seeing it.
  5. Thanks so much for the rep, Mouse! I'm really glad you liked my little castle . I am planning on doing another one, eventually, but this one will have a different twist to it... it's a crumbling ruin! But that will be a while off, yet.
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