Conversation Between Mouse and Kellerica

39 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ugh, that does sound like more than your minor hiccup... I'm suddenly feeling very lucky with my own setup here! As I said before, I really hope you'll get everything sorted out soon. I know I'm speaking for more than just myself when I'm saying your absence is being noticed. I only just now saw the thread about how you'll be gone for a while. Sorry for bugging you about my map, I did not realize you had this much trouble with your setup! Thank you for the rep and comments though, they are even more appreciated now that I know how much effort there was even in being able to write them
  2. Well, this is going to sound incredibly ironic if you've been aware of the horrendous problems I've had at the end of last year with the Creator's Update that was actually an upgrade and obligatory if you already had Win 10 - which was incompatible with my machine, of course... but its actually the Windows patch for the Intel security update that cleared the problem.

    I'm back again... for now
  3. That doesn't sound like fun at all Hope you can get things sorted out soon enough!

    I sent the link via PM, the visitor message won't allow it for some reason.
  4. I haven't commented on a lot of things I rather like, Kelleri. I'm having serious complications with the latest Intel security update.

    I'm going to have a lot to catch up with when I get this fixed (if it can be fixed)

    Maybe help me a bit by giving me a link to it so I can get there fast enough in the odd 5 minutes I get online?
  5. Thank you for the birthday wishes! Always a pleasure :3

    I can't help but notice you haven't commented on my latest, btw! I'd love to hear your thoughts as well if you can find the time at some point
  6. Hey birthday girl

    Have a good one Kelleri!
  7. Understandable, it can be bit of time-suck... But please do stop by at some point, we (or, well, at least I!) miss having you around!
  8. Hey Kelleri

    I've not been very well for quite a while - 2 bouts of flu followed by complications to the most recent bout. We seem to be breeding some really nasty flu strains these days, and while I'm not old enough to qualify for vaccine yet, I'm certainly not 18 any more!

    I also discovered that Discord isn't really 'my thing', since I tend to sit and watch for comments rather than getting on with real stuff... like MAPPING!

    I will try to pop in more often and at least keep up with what everyone else is doing
  9. Aww, I haven't seen you around in Discord for ages! Have you given up on the app entirely or have we just missed each other lately?
  10. Thanks for the rep and the comments Kelleri - much appreciated
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 39
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