Conversation Between tilt and Gidde

13 Visitor Messages

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  1. yes, and I didn't even catch the "circle" of the beginning being the same as the end before it was mentioned to me ... did you read his next book? Its good, a more classic idea - revenge I'm looking forward to "The Heroes" which is hitting the shelves any day soon
  2. Hey tilt, saw you mention Abercrombie's First Law series .... read that a bit ago, did the ending make you "wtf?" too?
  3. thanks - being a carreer officer that pip means a lot.. .no wait.. hey.. I'm not in the army.. .well, still nice ... especially since it from my peers
  4. Grats on the fourth pip!
  5. thanks for the rep ... and yes its fun to read about everybody ... hoped people would jump on the bandwagon, with this being such a nice place to be - but you never know ... but great succes
  6. you've read three books in such a short time... impressive... and yes, I think tawny man is some of the best she has written
  7. Finished the Tawny Man books and am now working on that first Rain Wilds book. You were right, they were great. In fact, they eased my irritation with the assassin books. Finally it was explained WHY fitz kept being such an idiot. Wonderful.
  8. thanks for the rep G
  9. thanks - it went ok, not a top grade I'm guessing, but then again - wasn't expecting that with a more than full time company and 2 kids and art and maps and... *lol*
  10. Grats for being done with your exam, you've been studying for what seems like forever. Hope it went well!
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