Conversation Between London Balcita and LordCartoart

6 Visitor Messages

  1. No problem, I'm glad to help!
    Unfortunately, I have never done perspective on a large scale on the computer before, so I don't know how to help you with that. In fact, I rarely do city maps. Perhaps you could find a tutorial on YouTube?
  2. Thanks for all of the advice. I was wondering if you could help me out with another problem I'm having.
    I have been trying and trying to create a good looking city map with perspective. I can not get buildings to look right en masse. There has got to be tools and tricks that I am just missing because I can not figure it out.
    Or you can use monochrome, which, like I said, makes everything quite easier, like on my Arendria map.
    I'd suggest starting simple: simple mountains, simple forests on a map that's monochrome. On monochrome or simplistic colored maps, rivers can be black lines (see my Digital Maps album). However, on regular colored maps, like the one you made, you need your rivers to be part of the water portion of your map rather than overlayed color (See the map, Saorsa).
    Go ahead and ask more questions if you'd like me to explain a topic further.

  4. Alright. What I normally do for mountains is do them in a style where I don't have to color them. What I mean by this is I use one of two colors for the land (brown or white) which makes it a lot easier to add mountains because if you make the land green, for example, you'd also have to color the mountains or else the map would look strange. That is because a cartographer can either do a map monochrome (no color except black and white) or in color. What you can also do (what I do) is use color but use simplistic coloring, which will allow you to make the mountains simplistic, and not colored.
    Go ahead and take a look at my Digital Maps Album to see examples of my maps. As you can see, the mountains blend, but they are also not colored. You can also use more advanced mountains with smoother shading, like those on my Beleriand map.

  5. And thanks again for all the feedback on my first map
  6. Hello. I do not have pms unlocked for me yet. But if you could give me some tips with rivers and mountains I would be so grateful.
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