• AntonioFrade

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  • Random Gallery Images

    WORLDMAP0, Here is the basic drawing, didn't know much where i was headed at that point, looking for a very large, not focused type of world, defined...
    WORLDMAP0, Here is the basic drawing, didn't know much where i was headed at that point, looking for a very large, not focused type of world, defined... by Baldur
    grarrr own1stMAP dislike2
    grarrr own1stMAP dislike2 by grarrr
    nola city overview map final
    nola city overview map final by cereth
    The Empire of Kane, in 1739. 
This was Kane at its height, in territorial terms, in mainland Acur.
    The Empire of Kane, in 1739. This was Kane at its height, in territorial terms, in mainland Acur. by Pixie
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