cacllahorn n 2 map.PDFcacllahorn n 2 map.PDF

I am new here but old hand at hand drawn maps.....30 year forestry back ground.....but i have over 1000 fantasy maps all i love them...and wax pencils allow us to scheme.....and players can be clumsy with their drinks.

i have finally slowed see what tech i can use to immortalize my world and campaign. and just a brief view of sketch up has me pumped for my city and towns......thus if it is sacked...erase and rebuild or even blow up portions to use for siege plans and battle maps. but old tricks....but where there is a will there is a away.

now on a regional scale...or continental .....i have a love for Karen Wynn-Fonstad cart skill and look......thus after several versions of my main region....callahorn.....i spent months doing a 4x3 foot map was a labor of love......left out names....actually came up with way to use a back light to make them appear....thus when i copied pieces of the map....characters would have no clues.....

But the world grew as characters love to see over the horizon....and kingdoms fell and several binders later....of history, maps, chronicles......i have enough to write several forgotten realms or middle earth.

So why find a the right program to mimic my cart map..(campaign carto??)...and then finish the world. tides, weather, trade routes, history, journeys, political etc.....basically put my maps, stories and NPCs into it........then D&D till i die......and kids and players kids will continue the story(s)......and have legacy to bind them around a table

yup the group has 35 years of playing....we figured 300 years of history ...influenced....(we were dwarves....had a buddy who is the great grand son of a hero we played with...that was his character).... but we have 10000 years of history in ruins and legends to map and save......

it like a rug weaved together...all the stories and adventures......and it is amazing how they have tied together across time.....changed kings and kingdoms

All i can say is as the DM....i have the responsibility to be the historian and chronicler too.....

I seek wisdom and the path.......and always willing to have a fireside chat
Yol Bolsun

more maps to come...scale is 1 inch = 30 miles on original