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Thread: Parralell world map

  1. #1

    Post Parralell world map

    I figure since I've been out of computer access for all but a day or two since the saturday before x-mas time and haven't been able to discuss my challenge entry I'd start a thread here to help me figure out a little more of the details of the style.

    Originally I'd wanted to use a three D effect with glasses, but as I thought about it, it worked batter for conveying depth that way and what I wanted was two seperate layers.

    So It was less about three D and more about those old secret message type images where a black and white snow map has red and blue interfereance snow, but when a colored film goes over it it highlights the opposing color. So the red film would make the red line disappear and the blue pattern darken to purple/black.

    So theroetically my map would be differant depending on which color film a person looks through (which eye for special glasses). Unfortunately I've misplaced my glasses to try it.

    Eventually I'd like to make a hard copy map using the technique but done in far more detail, then I'll try and get those translucent report folders in the two colors (set them up like a DMs screen, one opening to the left and one opening to the right) to overlay and interfere with the map image colors.

    I'm having a bit of trouble targeting the colors that should work (coincidentally another way to do this is to get an led or light bulbe of the right color and turn out the lights, blue light and red light in this case, and it should work) So I've been thinking that Blue red are not my only options. I'm wondering about other combos and how many layers can be worked with.

    I'm also thinking that some more obvious differances between the two settings. Make the lake in one setting more shallow or a marshy waste, over a lake in the other reality.

    I'll stick with the differant symbols for differant races.

    I'll likely switch back to what I'm best at and do them by hand, which is trickier when thinking about using colored inks and overlapping images.

    any thoughts on this idea?

    PS I forgot to mention that part of the problem with this map was the thickness of the lines as thy occured because of converting from greyscale images to black and white, to eliminate shading that would not work properly with the interferance films, and then to red or blue respectively. The line detail sort of smeared in the conversion. It's a tricky thing to try (at least in ms paint, I've never really had much chance to work in paintshop).
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