^ Flat, zoomed out version of the zoomable, interactive, map linked below.

Hello all!

So I work at Riot Games, and several years ago I was talking to some of the writers there about maps (esp. the maps at the front of novels) and how the map of Runeterra (the world of League of Legends) wasn't exactly up to par (link to the old 'blob' map here). We got to talking, and a single kingdom was sketched and handed to me to 'make it into a real one'. Sounded like fun to me!

Several years later, after learning so much from you all (especially the traps and pitfalls to avoid) and the very hard work of a team devoted to taking my informational but otherwise ugly-as-sin source maps and turning them into something usable, beautiful, and interactive, and we just released the new Runeterra map this week:

(If you find that it is taking too long to load, check to see if your Chrome hardware acceleration is enabled. If it's not, then enabling it should fix the loading/cpu issue.)

You folks will probably be the toughest critics in the world, and I'm sure there are a few things that are wonky or naive - some of that might be due to the stylized rendering style, but some of it might just be me making a pigs ear of it. Thought you might get a kick out of seeing it anyway. I can tell you, the response from players so far as been heartwarming - a lot of people out there just got a close encounter of the cartographic kind

Also, I've posted this in 'Finished Maps' but this is intended to be a living document that will have more content added to it over time. Mostly that will be interaction points and labels, but the nature of the world is such that it is not impossible that for a big event, literal world-changing things could happen - and the map would/will have to represent that.

Thanks for looking!