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Thread: Calcaria

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  1. #1

    Post Calcaria

    So! I am really digging trying out different styles, so I figured I would put them in here (they are all of the same region) to get some feedback and critique!

    Calcaria is my fantasy kingdom. I didn't realize until later that this was actually a Roman town, named for its limestone quarries. Oops. Interestingly enough, my fantasy world also contains large, sharp-cliffed mountains and quarries. I suppose they could be limestone; it is more likely they are sedimentary uplift than anything, I suppose.

    Anyway, I have been writing stories in this world for quite some time would create basic shape maps (with squiggles for forests, triangles for mountains) to get myself oriented. It was not until I discovered this site and the tutorials that I decided to attempt full-blown maps. So, I wanted to make a thread where I showcased my progress as I learn different techniques -- all on the same region, for a consistent point of reference.

    Enjoy! I will try to update this as I produce more maps and finish my WIPs.

    Attached are my first attempt, second and third attempt using Tear's tutorial method (and making some of my own tweaks along the way). Gotta fix that orogeny! Also is my "stylized" attempt, where I doodle in all the major landmarks of the story I am currently working on. Initially I was using Ramah's hand-drawn mountain sets, but as I went on I started just drawing in my own elements, so it is kind of a mix of both. This is a work in progress. I need to figure out how to select my general land mass shape and turn it into a vector so that all the resizing I do doesn't start pixelating the edges (as is happening here).
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  2. #2


    Okay, I like the drawn style -- Completed the last map. Onto something else. This is pretty neat! I dislike the uniformity of the trees so that is something I will need to work on.


  3. #3
    Guild Apprentice Eochaid's Avatar
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    Paris, France


    Neat! I especially like the third version. How did you manage to get a realistic-looking heightmap for your mountains? I never got the hang of that.

    The final handdrawn one is very nice too. One thing I find a bit disturbing, though, is the big white blotches for the cities --- nevermind the fact that this being a fantasy world, a 20 miles (I guess the scale is in miles) while city is a bit too big imho --- you could perhaps try to draw some buildings to match the stylised feel?

    Very nice work though, I'd rep you if I could! Trying to do not two, but four different styles on the same map is quite courageous!

  4. #4


    For the elevation in the third one, I followed Tear's tutorial to begin with but then took it a step further. There are actually two beveled overlay layers on top of each other; one is a large-scale bevel with an huge radius of effect to produce more dramatic shadows, and one is the small-scale that Tear suggested the settings for in his tutorial. I was finding that with the original method of a single beveled layer, I did not get the definition or enough sense of elevation from it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eochaid View Post
    One thing I find a bit disturbing, though, is the big white blotches for the cities --- nevermind the fact that this being a fantasy world, a 20 miles (I guess the scale is in miles) while city is a bit too big imho --- you could perhaps try to draw some buildings to match the stylised feel?
    Woah, you're completely right. The scale bar was one of the last things I added (based on the thought process that it would take ~1 day or so to walk between Stonebrook and Pinewood) and so I didn't think much about the footprint of the cities at that point. Thanks for the suggestions, I will start drawing in some buildings to keep consistent style.

    I'm not sure I'm courageous so much as curious, but thanks! . I really appreciate the feedback!

  5. #5


    This is looking really nice. I too like version 3 of the Tear style map, and your more hand drawn map as well. Have a bit of rep.


  6. #6


    Thank you!!

  7. #7
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Yeah, I'm with everyone else; that third version is awesome. I LOVE the colors, the slight bevel on the rivers and the coasts really makes it pop.

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