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Thread: January Entry: Anchors Away

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  1. #1
    Professional Artist Nomadic's Avatar
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    Post January Entry: Anchors Away

    Arr ye landlubbers, Nomad the Black here t' talk to ye all bout his idea fer this here contest o' mappin'. I was downin' a bottle o' rum wit a bonny lass on either arm when it hits me it does to be makin' a map of t' open ocean (ah how it warms me heart). Now I remembers this here contest yall started and says t' meself "Nomad ye daft fellow ye ought t' join in wit t' merrymakin' and map creatin'." So's I is a here t' give ye all a run foor yer money I is.

    Now I is no master at the mappin' but I is more then some wet behind the ear whelp to take a look n' run off n' fear and all. So's I is a gettin' down t' business and hopin' that ye all will accepts me entry into this here fine contest o' yers.

    I is a thinkin' that I will be makin' a proper pirates map (thoughs ye all are fresh out o luck if ye think I will map out me treasure for ye). It's a bein done on proper pirates parchment (which I did won from some sap at a game o cards) and done in proper pirates colors (stolen from some clueless navy rube by yours truly they are). So's then I bids ye all to take a gander and be givin' your two pence. Fer now it's not but a bit o black and white for coast and water but don't let dat trick ye, she will be comin' around yet ye hear.

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    Last edited by Nomadic; 01-08-2009 at 10:06 PM.

  2. #2

    Post Got to read them rules...

    Nomadic, Challenge Map rules require that all entries are titled "January Entry: Anchors Away." or in that format. Even Arcana has threatened to send us River Police to chops heads for those who don't...

    So a CL will have to change this.

    Nice start so far!

    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
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  3. #3
    Professional Artist Nomadic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gamerprinter View Post
    Nomadic, Challenge Map rules require that all entries are titled "January Entry: Anchors Away." or in that format. Even Arcana has threatened to send us River Police to chops heads for those who don't...

    So a CL will have to change this.

    Nice start so far!

    Aye I did notice this, but alas twas too late. I am ashamed o' me mistake and blame t' rum.

  4. #4

    Post Aye, the code

    Even pirates follow a code, if only loosely, Arr.

    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
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  5. #5
    Professional Artist Nomadic's Avatar
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    Well me lads I has begun on t' map proper I has. The parchment ha' been lain out like a drunk rat on a plank and I has got down t' work. The coast has been lined (as is only proper fer a pirate map) and a bit o' color has been added to make me map be lookin' nice. The first conundrum I has come across whilst thinkin o're me map is the symbols. Ye see ye can't have no proper pirate-like map withouts yer symbols. Yous gots t' have a compass o course and a map just ain't a map witout a sea serpent or two. It's quite a bother t' think o're really. I's mights have to search around in the archives o're yonder in port google.

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  6. #6
    Professional Artist Nomadic's Avatar
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    Avast! I has done made progress on this here map. I hopes that it does look good to ye all. Alas tis a hard thing t' explain in pirate whats did on a map. I shall try my hardest I shall though.

    First off I hads meself a drink o rum (not right t' go mappin without it). After I had topped meself off so to say, I gots right down t' the heart o it. I's took me colors and made the beach all nice and sandy, as is only right. I also made t' landlubber section (inland for ye non-nautical folks) nice and green as it is wont to be. Thens I darkened the coast a bit to make the land stand out like a sun-crazed sailor at t' gov'ners ball. After that I did add some lines in the ocean so that a sailor such as meself can make something of whats under the waves (tis a 'portant thing to know, that). Next came the grid lines so that the more learn'd (like me second mate, the daft bookworm that he be) can tells their capn where somethin is.

    I thinks next I will be huntin down scurvy tom, hes right good with a quill and ink and I could go for some labeling and other pretty'n up.

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  7. #7

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    Professional Artist Nomadic's Avatar
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    It warms me heart to see one such as Red-Handed Ravells puttin' in his two coin fer me handiwork. Makes a pirate proud t' haves the attention it does (likewise to GP). Tis been a busy day fer me it has. I's was gettin' one ideas after the next and has puts them all t' paper. After a long bit a bein awake wit one hand on the quill an the other on this here bottle o rum I has made more progress.

    I's scribbled in some proper marks fer the jungle (a dangerous place that, full o savages) and put in me lines t' mark the mighty rivers. I has also puts down the local settlements an the most popular sea and land routes between em (ye can't very well pillage wit no idea as to where the pillagin' is t' be done). I's also found a good bit o ideas for the drawring bits from the archives and puts down a proper compass. There be yet more t' add indeed. Town names, river names, warnin's and what not else that a good seadog can make use o.

    Nows I thinks I be takin a good rest for a short bit. Buts this mappin thing here, it wets me appetite right proper and I be gettin' back t' it soon.

    Till next time me hearties,

    Nomad the Black

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  9. #9
    Professional Artist Nomadic's Avatar
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    Well I be back so ye best buckle yer swash. I's looks me map o're a bit n' I thinks the roads don't do it justice. So I has sent them packin and drawn up some new un's. I have also gotten down t' labl'n all the 'portant stuff and fancyin' it up a bit. After a bit o rum n' company my mind was tickin' good and I made fine progress I did.

    Whats I could use right now is a bit o yer opinions. After all a maps no good if them people who reads em don't reads em ye see. Just pay no mind to them small hards to read labels. I has to shrink the map down to half so as to put it up here wheres ye all c'n view it (they's actually easy to read on the real thing).

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    Last edited by Nomadic; 01-09-2009 at 11:21 PM.

  10. #10
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Ascension's Avatar
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    Ya scallywag! I ain ne'er seen no longimitude called A or B or C...what be th meanin behind this bit o frippery? 'N furthermore, ye got some magical lookin-glass in th sky? 'Cuz it be lookin like ye be meanin to draw ev'ry tree n clump o dirt on th mainland.

    Translation: Are you doing this in a 16th century pirate style or a modern style? If the former I'd be lightenin up on the colors to be more authentic like, don'tcha know. Now, avast, ye swab! Git yer rumpus off o me poopdeck and git back to drawin me a map.
    If the radiance of a thousand suns was to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...I am become Death, the Shatterer of worlds.
    -J. Robert Oppenheimer (father of the atom bomb) alluding to The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 11, Verse 32)

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