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  1. #1
    Community Leader Immolate's Avatar
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    Wip New Fantasy World for Pathfinder

    Each of the members of my gaming group that run campaigns have worlds that they run in. One, my oldest friend Ron, is creating a new world and has given me lots of leash to create something for him. He gave me a rudimentary map with some some very general ideas of where some mountain and forest would be, and explained a few features that he wanted.

    I figure I will take a stab at naming everything, then he can rename whatever he doesn't like. Naming is hard for anyone, but it isn't as difficult for me as it is for him.

    This is a small map for me, only 2000x2000 pixels. It is in Ascension's atlas style, with plenty of variations.

    Oh, if anyone has a good suggestion for a world name, I'd welcome it. The current worlds are Mythgar, Laramis, Andior and Kerris. I don't care for the name Kerris.

    Unnamed Continent.jpg

  2. #2
    Guild Adept Alfar's Avatar
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    Beautiful map. Nice colors and layout. And the Shoals of Tarkarrdin, v. nice.

    I can see why you'd do it, but I think it looks odd that the place names are squashed (scaled without proportions locked) in places. Maybe curving the texts would make them seem less blocky as well. (I know, it's a pain to do ) The beveled texts on the mountains seem slightly aliased. Not sure if/how you can add anti-aliasing, or a subtle blur will do.

    As for a name, hmm... I tried to build a WordBuilder script based on some of the names you had put on the map already. It came up with one name I liked: Chennatrea. It also suggested Gagainstear - maybe Gagain's Tear?

  3. #3
    Community Leader NeonKnight's Avatar
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    Looks good. Wish the rivers were a little more pronounced, as they are a little hard to see.
    Daniel the Neon Knight: Campaign Cartographer User

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  4. #4
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Steel General's Avatar
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    Lookin' good so far, I'm with NK on the rivers - they are a bit difficult to see.

    Not a big fan of the text labels - but that's really more a preference thing than anything else.

    As for names don't have any ideas at the moment.
    Hmmm....Definitely stay away from Mythgar. Of the others you listed I like Laramis (even if it does sound like a forgotten Musketeer), of those on the map itself I like Tarkarrdin and I also like Alfar's idea of Chennatrea.
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  5. #5
    Community Leader Immolate's Avatar
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    Hey thanks all for the commentary. I guess the bottom line on the labels is that I put something in and haven't really spent any time thinking about them yet. The mountain text I've been messing with to try to find something that works, but I'm not happy with that yet.

    As far as the name, I'm not really obliged to provide anything, though I probably will because I understand that it is ten times easier to improve someone else's ideas than it is to come up with something good of your own, and even if I suggest a name that doesn't appeal to him, it will probably get him thinking. Whatever it turns out to be, it will probably short, strong, someone elemental in feel (not earth/air/fire water elemental, but basic and primitive elemental). Names like Elos and Shar--names that evoke mental images of elder Gods and ancient lands, now extinct. Lots of things change in a campaign world from year to year, but the name of the world is eternal.

  6. #6
    Community Leader Immolate's Avatar
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    Okay, worked on the fonts and styles a bit to see if I could find something better scaled and more pleasing, more functional. Opinions welcome!

    ### WIP ###
    Attached Images Attached Images

  7. #7
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Steel General's Avatar
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    Much better, just making them consistent (dimension wise), made a huge difference.
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  8. #8
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Coyotemax's Avatar
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    ooh, that's nice. Octoclops Approves

    I find the text for the shoals to be a tad distracting going over both sea and land, but that's a personal opinion there.

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  9. #9
    Guild Expert Ramah's Avatar
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    That looks great. The new fonts are way better than the original ones.

    I'd also like to say how much I admire your mountains in this map. Mostly, when people use Ascension's tut to make their map I don't particularly like the mountains as to me they seem to resemble wisps of cloud. These look really great though.

    Nice job.
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  10. #10
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Ascension's Avatar
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    The text looks much better, love the gradient on the Romanesque font.
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